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National Disability Standards

The six National Standards for Disability Services are: Rights, Participation, Individual Outcomes, Feedback and Complaints, Service Access and Service Management.

Good Directions participant-owned service model seeks to reflect these National Standards in the following ways.

1. Rights:

The service promotes individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making and actively prevents abuse, harm, neglect and violence.
A participant-owned service seeks to achieve this by assisting you to live where you want, with carers you choose, in whatever level of privacy you are most comfortable with.

2. Participation and Inclusion:

The service works with individuals and families, friends and carers to promote opportunities for meaningful participation and active inclusion in society.
A participant-owned service seeks to achieve this by giving you the freedom to choose your own activities and enable your community peers to join you. We aim for you to ‘live an ordinary life in an ordinary place' and to be close enough to people so that they become blind to your disability and see you as a part of their normal lives

3. Individual Outcomes:

Services and supports are assessed, planned, delivered and reviewed to build on individual strengths and enable individuals to reach their goals.
A participant-owned service seeks to achieve this by assisting you to contract professionals with skills in discerning your wants and needs and to develop and maintain your personal plan. You, or your chosen circle of support, are empowered to direct whatever resources are around you to achieve the things that are important to you.

4. Feedback and Complaints:

Regular feedback is sought and used to inform individual and organisation-wide service reviews and improvement.
A participant-owned service seeks to achieve this by assisting you to be the principal negotiator for yourself, making everyone around you listen to your wishes and the wishes of trusted advocates and supporters around you.

5. Service Access:

The service manages access, commencement and leaving a service in a transparent, fair, equal and responsive way.
A participant-owned service seeks to achieve this by assisting you to choose who you want to share your service with and for how long and on what terms.

6. Service Management:

The service has effective and accountable service management and leadership to maximise outcomes for individuals.
A participant-owned service seeks to achieve this by assisting you to contract experts in their field, with a personal interest in you, to represent and assist you in achieving a quality, efficient, person-centred service.


If you know of anyone who would like to talk to Good Directions about being their service
provider they can contact us on